Group Papers


Observation of a Transition Between Dynamical Phases in a Quantum Degenerate Fermi Gas
S. Smale, P. He, B. A. Olsen, K. G. Jackson, H. Sharum, S. Trotzky, J. Marino, A. M. Rey, and J. H. Thywissen
doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax1568, arxiv:1806.11044, (download pdf), (download SM pdf)


Observation of Quantum-Limited Spin Transport in Strongly Interacting Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
C. Luciuk, S. Smale, F. Böttcher, H. Sharum, B. A. Olsen, S. Trotzky, T. Enss, and J. H. Thywissen
Physical Review Letters 118, 130405 (2017)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.130405, (download pdf)


1D to 3D Crossover of a Spin-Imbalanced Fermi Gas
M. C. Revelle, J. A. Fry, B. A. Olsen, and R. G. Hulet
Physical Review Letters 117, 235301 (2016)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.235301, arXiv:1605.06986, (download pdf)


Phase diagram of a strongly interacting spin-imbalanced Fermi gas
B. A. Olsen, M. C. Revelle, J. A. Fry, D. E. Sheehy, and R. G. Hulet
Physical Review A 92, 063616 (2015)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.92.063616, arXiv:1508.06362, (download pdf)


Spin-velocity correlations of optically pumped atoms
R. Marsland III, B. H. McGuyer, B. A. Olsen, and W. Happer
Physical Review A 86, 023404 (2012)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.86.023404, arXiv:1302.6894, (download pdf)

Cusp kernels for velocity-changing collisions
B. H. McGuyer, R. Marsland III, B. A. Olsen, and W. Happer
Physical Review Letters 108, 183202 (2012)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.183202, arXiv:1302.2397, (download pdf)


Optical pumping and spectroscopy of Cs vapor at high magnetic field
B. A. Olsen, B. Patton, Y.-Y. Jau, and W. Happer
Physical Review A 84, 063410 (2011)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.84.063410, (download pdf)

Transfer of spin angular momentum from Cs vapor to nearby Cs salts through laser-induced spin currents
K. Ishikawa, B. Patton, B. A. Olsen, Y.-Y.Jau, and W. Happer
Physical Review A 83, 063410 (2011)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.83.063410, (download pdf)

Temperature-insensitive laser frequency locking near absorption lines
N. Kostinski, B. A. Olsen, R. Marsland III, B. H. McGuyer, and W. Happer
Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 033114 (2011)
doi:10.1063/1.3574221, (download pdf)